• Abstract


    Published date: 23/03/2009
    This investigative work seeks to analyze trends in scientific production in art-education in higher education institutions in Brazil from 1995 to 2004. For this purpose, 98 abstracts were selected, from dissertations and theses in the Brazilian bibliographic databases for the period. The aim of this work is to identify the areas of concentration of the post-graduate programs in which Art research was carried out, and to categorize the themes of these dissertations and theses, selecting those related to the Triangular Teaching Proposal in Art in Brazil, for a more detailed analysis. The area of concentration for which the highest number of dissertations and theses was identified, was that of Education, followed by Arts and Communication, Philosophy, Education and Culture, and finally, Production Engineering. The themes identified in the dissertations and theses were: Curriculum; Aesthetic Appreciation; Philosophical Aesthetic; Teacher Education; Epistemology and Art Psychology. Two themes highlighted in the category Curriculum - the use of Information and Communication Technologies, and the Re-reading of Works – gave the dimension of insertion of the Triangular Proposal based on the studies of Ana Mae Barbosa, present in ten of the 98 academic works, contemplating discussion on the present and future of art in contemporary times, through the art psychology of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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