• Abstract


    Published date: 05/07/2017

    This article investigates the absence of literature in academic writing in research, especially dissertations and theses. A silencing of literature is seen, as its use is perceived merely as poetic fragments in the form of epigraphs. This silencing is mainly due to language policies established for the registration and legitimation of knowledge production. The purpose of this article is to show that literature is a writing choice and an experience that affects the researcher and the research itself, as we read, write and live. Based on a qualitative approach, the article focuses on bibliographical reading, dialoging with authors/researchers that think of literature as experience. Thus, the appropriate writing and reading for this article translate into a rehearsed script, since it is not just a record of a constructed knowledge, but above all, an experience that crosses the research investigations. Based on the results of this investigative study, the aim is to strengthen the dialogue for other possibilities, including that of literature gaining more space in the language policies of the academic world, beyond its illustrative character, configuring its content as well. It is therefore understood that research in education, in its qualitative dimension, can also include other senses, meanings and experiences, for both the researcher and his/her interlocutors.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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