About the Journal

NOVOS ESTUDOS JURÍDICOS - NEJ is a four-monthly "continuous flow" scientific journal, with uninterrupted publications since 1995. The journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization knowledge. NEJ's mission is to promote the improvement and scientific and critical study of Law, aiming at the publication of articles and reports of unpublished research authored by an investigator, which coincide with the lines of research of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Legal Science , listed below:

  • Constitutional Principles, Legal Policy and Artificial Intelligence - Reflection on the production of norms legitimized by Society has the academic environment as its fertile soil. Thus considered, the theoretical instruments destined to the production of legal norms emerge from the recognition of the importance of the dialectic of social life, as a praxis of Law, capable of informing the production of fair, useful and adequate Law for the community;
  • State, Transnationality and Sustainability - Destined to discuss in depth the phenomenon that created the new legal relations that emerged from the capitalist hegemony after 89, from the perspective of an emerging country like Brazil;
  • Constitutionalism and the Production of Law - Its vocation is the study of constitutional principles as an axiological and normative apex of the legal system. Investigations in this line expand both in a zetetic sense, for reflection on the philosophical premises that support the value choices inscribed in the Constitution, and in a dogmatic sense, in the daily applications of constitutional principles in the legal argumentation used in the production and application of law;
  • Law and Jurisdiction - Based on a broad conception of jurisdiction, not limited to state power, studies in the line of Law and Jurisdiction cover the various heteronomous forms of conflict resolution, inquiring about the principles that regulate jurisdictional activity, the procedural elements, the aspects of power underlying the exercise of jurisdiction and the specific features of jurisdiction in different contexts, - transnational, state and international;
  • Environmental Law, Transnationality and Sustainability - Encompasses innovative themes that are based on the current globalized situation that promotes wide repercussions in the environmental, economic, social and political dimensions, reaching new demands in matters related to Transnationality and Sustainability.

Currently, NEJ is indexed in the following databases, which cooperate in the dissemination of the material: periodic CAPES; LATINDEX; Database of the Virtual Network of National Congress Libraries - RVBI; IBICT; CrossRef - Digital Object Identifier Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation; vLex.

Peer Review Process

Scientific works submitted to the Novos Estudos Jurídicos Journal - NEJ must undergo prior screening, carried out by the responsible Editors (submission examination), who verify the compatibility of the content with the Editorial Line adopted, in addition to methodological aspects and constant structure in the Guidelines for Authors.

After approval in the preliminary screening, the scientific works are sent to at least 02 (two) external reviewers, selected by specialty on the subject for qualitative evaluation, according to the "double blind peer review" process.

After the analysis is returned, the opinion is forwarded to the author(s) for acknowledgment and incorporation of the suggested modifications, without identifying the reviewer(s).

The modified text will be resubmitted to the NEJ, and will undergo a new evaluation, at the discretion of the Editor-in-charge (the degree of changes required by the reviewer(s) will be taken into account). In case the author(s) disagree with the qualitative analysis, they may justify their position to the Editor-in-charge, who will decide whether it is subject to a new round of evaluation, in case there has been a discrepancy between the two reviewers and if deemed convenient. If the editor-in-charge maintains the position of the reviewer(s) and the author(s) maintain(s) their discord, the journal reserves the right not to publish. The progress of the changes will be informed by e-mail to the author(s).

Ethics in Publication

Revista Novos Estudos Jurídicos - NEJ observes best practices in publication and research ethics in accordance with internationally established guidelines, including the Code of Conduct and Good Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, published by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) . Below, we list some of the policies we have adopted in this regard, reinforcing and complementing those discussed in the “Guidelines for Authors”.

Editors' Responsibilities

The Editors of Novos Estudos Jurídicos - NEJ are responsible for acting in a balanced, objective and fair way in the performance of their duties, without any form of discrimination.

All submissions are processed following the standard procedure adopted by the journal, so that articles are considered and accepted solely on the basis of their academic/scientific merit and without commercial or political influence.

The Editors adopt and follow fair and consistent procedures in case of situations of an ethical or conflicting nature, in addition to providing authors with the right to respond to the evaluation decisions to which they are submitted.

Responsibilities of evaluators/reviewers

The reviewers who make up the NEJ reviewers bank are responsible for contributing to the decision-making process for publishing a scientific work, helping in a relevant way to improve the quality of the published article, reviewing the manuscript objectively, within the deadline established in the " Guidelines for Authors”.

They must maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the editor or by the author(s), who are prohibited from retaining or copying the manuscript.

Furthermore, they should alert the editor if they identify content(s) published or sent with suspicions of plagiarism and self-plagiarism, that is, substantially similar to that under review.

Author(s) Responsibilities

The author(s) who submit(s) their scientific work(s) to NEJ are responsible for the demands of the journal, regarding originality and other ethical and methodological requirements contained in the “Guidelines for Authors”.

Thus, the submitted article must be unpublished, and cannot be submitted to another evaluation process, nor have it been published in any other national or foreign journal, unless it is published in another language and in another country, in which case there must be a citation. that it is a version of an article already published in another journal.

The author(s), at the time of submission of the scientific work, adhere(s) to the originality clause, becoming aware(s) that, even after approval and publication of the article on the journal's website, identifying -if irregularities regarding the publication ethics issue, it will be immediately withdrawn and, in its place, information will be included that “the article was withdrawn due to publication ethics issues”.

The scientific works submitted by the authors, to be accepted for publication, must comply with the rules listed below:

  1. to be adequate to the lines of research adopted by the journal;
  2. fully comply with the rules indicated in the 'Guidelines for Authors';
  3. the author(s) declare(s) automatically, at the time of submission, the assignment of the right over the work for an indefinite period, as well as the rights to exhibit, publish, reproduce, store and/or of any other how it is used, which it does(in) expressly and in an irrevocable and irreversible manner and by operation of law, free of charge and without any remuneration, encumbrance or charge, in favor of Revista Eletrônica Novos Estudos Jurídicos;
  4. ensure(s) that the submitted collaboration is original, recognize(s) and cite(s) content reproduced from other sources;
  5. the author(s) must ensure that any studies involving human subjects or animals comply with national, local and institutional laws and requirements;
  6.  declare(s) any potential conflict that may be considered or viewed as exerting undue influence on the publication process.

Editorial duties regarding unethical behavior

Any unethical manifestation identified in the scientific works published in the Revista Novos Estudos Jurídicos - NEJ, can be brought to the editor's attention at any time, by any person, provided that they provide sufficient information and evidence for an investigation to be initiated.

Evidence must be collected, while avoiding spreading any allegations beyond those that need to be reported. In any case, the author must be given the opportunity to respond to any allegations.

All authors and reviewers will be informed or notified if there appears to be a misunderstanding or misapplication of acceptable standards, with the possibility of retraction or request for formal withdrawal of publication from the journal.

At the end of the investigation procedure and once unethical behavior has been verified, contributions from the author will no longer be accepted.