
  • Carlos Bernal-Pulido University of Dayton



Separation of powers, Constitutionalism, Judicial supremacy, Judicial function, Christian foundations of the separation of powers


Contextualization: This article asserts that, indeed, based on a conceptual reconstruction of the notion of "separation of powers," this work defends the thesis that the Scriptures attribute to judges the function of encou-raging political authorities to behave virtuously to protect the rights and interests of individuals.

Objective: The objective is to argue that the Bible underpins the principle of the separation of powers and as-signs judges the function of encouraging political authorities to behave virtuously, in order to pro-tect the rights and interests of the people.

Method: The article employs a deductive method to reconstruct the notion of "separation of powers" from the Scriptures, discussing the conceptions of separation of powers and analyzing biblical examples that support this thesis.

Results: The conclusions presented in this article are relevant to supporting a conception that encourages jud-ges to play a catalytic role, so that political authorities effectively protect the rights and interests of people through the creation of laws and the formulation of public policies.


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Author Biography

Carlos Bernal-Pulido, University of Dayton

Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de Salamanca e em Filosofía pela Universidad de Flórida. Professor na Universidade de Dayton (USA) e na Universidade de La Sabana (Colômbia). Contato: ou


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How to Cite

BERNAL-PULIDO, C. THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SEPARATION OF POWER AND THE CATALYSING FUNCTION OF JUDGES. Journal of Law Studies, Itajaí­ (SC), v. 29, n. 1, p. 230–253, 2024. DOI: 10.14210/nej.v29n1.p230-253. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 aug. 2024.


