Global Governance, Global Order, National Interest, International Solidarity, HegemonyAbstract
Contextualization: Today, a new configuration of international relations is taking place, and the global challenge seems to be more pronounced than ever. Global actors have few common interests, different norms and values, and a lack of global vision. This has led to a world where competition and conflicts are re-emerging in a concerning manner, making the global population feel threatened in terms of their health and security.
Objectives: In this article, we aim to reassess three analytical paradigms—national interest, solidarity, and hegemony—to provide fresh insights into comprehending the evolving global system. By doing so, we aim to highlight the necessity of reevaluating effective global governance for managing the global commons, in an historical moment where competition and conflicts are re-emerging in a concerning manner.
Method: The methodological approach combines theoretical analysis and bibliographic review. The text examines historical and contemporary concepts of national interest, solidarity, and hegemony, drawing on contributions from authors such as Emile Durkheim, Léon Bourgeois, Antonio Gramsci, and Robert Cox.
Results: The study concludes that the evolution of the concept of national interest demands effective cooperation between states and global actors to protect shared interests. Furthermore, international solidarity, grounded in mutual interests, is essential to addressing global challenges and promoting more inclusive governance.
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