Sustainability Reporting, Corporate Sustainability, ESG Factors, European Green DealAbstract
Contextualization: The European Union is developing new regulations as part of the EU Green Deal to guide businesses towards sustainability and improved compliance. One key regulation is the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which aims to increase transparency and hold companies accountable for their sustainability practices, providing stakeholders with information on their approach to sustainability issues, including environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors and double materiality.
Objectives: The article employs the inductive method and conducts a bibliographic review and exploratory analysis of the main concepts and regulations related to corporate sustainability and sustainability reporting.
Method: The article then delves into key ideas related to sustainability reporting, focusing on ESG factors, double materiality assessment, impact measurement, and greenwashing. It concludes by analyzing the most important elements of the CSRD and the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
Results: The CSRD attempts to create a roadmap for a significant contribution to sustainability by broaden[ing] the range of organizations subject to regulation, establishing consistent reporting criteria, and improving sustainability disclosures' overall quality and comparability to enhance transparency and accountability and coordinating efforts.
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