Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.Author Guidelines
Publication standards:
1 – Tables, images and graphs must be inserted in the text.
2 - Complete identification of authors in the journal's metadata. No authorship information can appear within the text.
3 – Title in bold in upper and lower case (upper and lower case)
The Abstract must contain a maximum of 200 words in the following languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish. Accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords; Abstract + Keywords; Summary + Keywords.
Body of text - Texts for REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE TECNOLOGIAS SOCAIS must be written on A4 page, 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing, as specified below:
1. a) SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE – up to 40 thousand characters, including bibliographic references. Titles must not be numbered and must be in size 14, bold in upper and lower case letters. Images, graphs or tables, as well as other illustrations, must be in the body of the text and sent separately, preferably in high resolution.
2. b) SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION (paper) is a short text on a pre-determined topic. Its preparation consists of the discussion, by the author, of results of studies or scientific research, specialized articles or general information, among other types of publications, facts or situations related to subjects pertinent to an area of study. When preparing a paper, the author develops analyzes and arguments, with objectivity and clarity, and may also consider expert opinions. The text must be between 20 and 30 thousand characters.
3. c) REVIEWS/Case Report - up to 7 thousand characters including bibliographic reference, written on A4 page, 2.5 cm margins, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 spacing.
4. d) INTERVIEWS – Each edition may feature up to one Interview with prominent personalities from academia or society in general, who are linked to the research areas of the Master's degrees represented by this publication. The text must have a maximum of 20 thousand characters.
5. Citations must comply with the ABNT 10520 update, of 2023, in which citations are as follows: (Author, year, page). Example: (Sartori, 2020) or (Sartori, 2020, p. 122).
This Journal uses plagiarism identification systems and follows the ethical standards of the national and international scientific community.
The material sent by authors must follow current ABNT standards.
The text submitted must comply with the updated standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and comply with the following configuration: be typed in word, A4 page size, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12, margins 2.5cm. The text must contain a title in Portuguese and English, summary and abstract (100 to 200 words), keywords (according to DECS) and keywords (up to five), body and references.
The names of authors and co-authors should not appear in the body of the text, to guarantee anonymity in the evaluation process.
In a supplementary file, provide the full name(s) of the author(s), academic title and institution from which the title was awarded, links to social movements or groups, institution in which they carry out their main activity, address, telephone numbers, email and other data that you deem important.
Citations must be made in the body of the text. Example: (Author, year, page). Quotes with more than three lines must be single-spaced, size 11 and 4cm indented. All cited authors must appear in the references at the end of the text. The bibliography at the end of the article, in “References”, must follow the following pattern:1. in the case of a book: SURNAME, First name. Bold title. Place of publication: Publisher, Date, page(s) cited.
2. in the case of a collection: SURNAME, First name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, First name. (Org.). Bold title. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher, date, page(s) cited.
3. in the case of an article: SURNAME, First name. Article title. Title of the periodical in bold. Place of Publication, Volume, Journal number, month (abbreviated) and year of publication, page(s) cited.
4. in the case of an academic dissertation/thesis: SURNAME, First name. Title of the dissertation/thesis in bold. Year of defense. Number of sheets. Dissertation (Master's) or Thesis (Doctorate), Institution at which it was defended (College and University), location, year.The illustration must be cited in the text and inserted as close as possible to the section to which it refers and its identification must appear at the top, preceded by the designative word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, graph, map, organization chart, plan, table, portrait , figure, image, among others), followed by its order number in the occurrence of the text.
1.1 – Proposals will go through a selection process organized and coordinated by the magazine’s Editorial Committee;
1.2 – Three proposals will be approved by the Editorial Committee; the Commission will also define the order of publication.
1.3 – The Calendar to which the approved Dossiers will be submitted will be communicated to the organizers together with the Letter of Acceptance of the proposal;
1.4 – Any withdrawal by Dossier organizers must be communicated up to a maximum of three months before the deadline for submissions, so that it does not interfere with its replacement by the next dossier. If the withdrawal occurs less than three months before the closing of submissions, the Editorial Committee will have the prerogative to proceed with the dossier, without the participation of the proponents, with the journal's coordination assuming the responsibility of facilitating the forwarding related to the Dossier. .
2.1 – Dossiers can be proposed by up to two (2) proponents linked to different institutions and, preferably, different regions of the country, one of whom must have a Doctor or Master's degree. The second proponent may be studying for a master's degree at the time of submitting the proposal. Both must be linked to a national or foreign higher education and/or research institution, operating in the areas of knowledge of Social Sciences (Political Sciences and Sociology) or Health Sciences, or exceptionally, in related areas; Up to 5 authors will be allowed, except for university extension dossiers with up to 10 authors.
2.2 – Members of the Editorial Committee are not permitted to submit Dossier proposals.
3.1 – Dossier proposals must consist of an argumentative/descriptive text, of at least two and a maximum of four pages (excluding the bibliography and information requested in 3.3, and must follow the specifications contained in 3.2) on the chosen topic and about its relevance for debates in the areas of knowledge of Social Sciences (Political Science and Sociology) and Health Sciences, when necessary, in related areas;
3.2 – Proposals must be sent in .doc or .docx format (Times New Roman font, 12 font, 1.5 spacing) to the email
3.3 – Proposals that do not necessarily contain the following information will be disqualified: - name, title and institutional link of the proponents - ORCID of the proponents; - title in Portuguese and English; - summary and abstract with up to 150 words each; - justification that considers the topicality, relevance and originality of the topic; - additional file containing the updated Lattes/CNPq CV of each applicant or CV in the case of foreigners.
4. PROPOSAL SELECTION CRITERIA AND DISCLOSURE OF RESULTS: The following criteria will be observed for the selection of proposals:
4.1 – Adequacy to the structure and form criteria, established in item 3 of this notice;
4.2 – In relation to the proponents: the degree, academic history (publication history, participation in research groups and the like), the proposal/education relationship and experience in other scientific publications will be taken into account;
4.3 – The Editorial Committee of Revista RBTS has autonomy and discretion for the selection of proposals, and must publish the list of classifieds on its electronic portal.
4.4 – Proposals that do not meet the established criteria will be disregarded.
5.1 – The public call for articles relating to the themes will be made jointly by the organizers of the Dossier and the Magazine, through the official website, email and social networks;
5.2 – Articles selected for publication must be unpublished;
5.3 – Articles will be received through the magazine's portal and forwarded to the organizers, after verifying the suitability of the authors and files submitted to the criteria required by RBTS, contained on the Magazine's website;
5.4 – The first phase of evaluation (“screening”) regarding the relevance of the article’s content to compose the dossier is the responsibility of the organizers and must be completed within 15 (fifteen) days after the submissions close;
5.5 – Organizers must send a screening opinion to the authors of articles not selected for peer review within 30 days after submissions close;5.6 – In the second phase of evaluation, the selected articles will be forwarded by the Dossier organizers for evaluation by external reviewers. The analysis of the article will follow anonymity and blind peer review, following the same procedures as articles in continuous flow, as provided for in the Journal's “Editorial Policy”.
5.7 – The articles that make up the dossier must strictly follow the “Guidelines for Authors” and the “Conditions for Submission” of Revista Mediações (available at:
5.8 – It is up to the authors of the article and the organizers of the Dossier (as well as specialized ad hoc advisors) to follow the rules of the “Guidelines for Authors”; The organizers must also respect the rules of the “Privacy Policy” and the “Section Policy” of the journal and guarantee the textual structure of the Dossier articles as well as the adherence and relevance of the reflection to the proposed theme. If the Editorial Committee detects non-compliance with any of the established rules, the organizers will be notified and, if there is no immediate adaptation to the Journal's standards, the necessary procedures and referrals will become the responsibility of the RBTS Editorial Committee;
5.9 – Dossiers may have a maximum of 6 contributions, including the presentation of the organizers. Articles that are not approved by the organizers to make up the dossier will be archived;
5.10 – Any negligence in the rules of the items above may result in the article not being published. The final decision to publish or not will always be made by the Editorial Committee.
6.1 – Check whether each contribution is original and unpublished;
6.2 – Maintain frequent contact with the Journal's editors, ensuring that the preparation of the Dossier is carried out in accordance with the schedule and pre-established commitments, as explained in item 5.
6.3 – Meet the deadline for delivery of the dossier material stipulated in the calendar that will accompany the Letter of Acceptance of the Dossier proposal. Once this date is established, organizers must pay attention to the delivery of the material. If the organizers do not meet the deadlines previously announced, the Editorial Committee reserves the prerogative, if it deems appropriate, to cancel the Dossier or to proceed with pending work, taking on the responsibility of facilitating the forwarding of the Dossier and, therefore, the authorship of this, in order not to jeopardize the punctuality of publication and dissemination of the issue within the stipulated deadlines;
6.4 – The organizers will be responsible for the presentation text of the Dossier, which must be academic in nature and clarify the proposed themes, in addition to presenting the contributions selected to compose the volume;7. EDITING AND PUBLICATION: Once the Dossiers have been approved, the date will be established for the call for articles and systematization of deadlines for the organizers to deliver the dossier. This calendar will be sent to the organizers. The approved dossiers will be published in the issues of the Revista Brasileira de Tecnologias Sociais - RBTS, starting in the first quadrennium of 2022, in the order established by the Magazine. The editions will be published in digital version.
RBTS – Brazilian Magazine of Social Technologies
Editorial Committee.
1. a) A scientific article is a text that presents, discusses and disseminates ideas, methods and techniques, processes and results of scientific research (bibliographic, documentary, experimental or field). In this publication, we will give preference to articles that present results of scientific research. The text must have a maximum of 40 thousand characters.
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.
Copyright Notice
As the author(s) of the original and unpublished collaboration, for which I hold myself civilly and criminally responsible for its content, after reading the guidelines for authors, agreeing with the RBTS Regulations and I authorize the publication on the world wide web (Internet), also allowing its language to be reformulated, if necessary, without me being owed any payment for copyright, and any interested party may access it and/or reproduce it via download, provided that the reproduction and/or publication complies with ABNT standards and is for the exclusive purpose of use by those who consult it as a means of disseminating scientific academic production.
Privacy Statement
The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.