



Criminal Tax Law, Crimes against tax law, Tax miisappropriation, Judicial decision, Legal Pragmatism


Contextualization: This article addresses the issue of judicial decision-making in Brazil. The problem in this context arises from the verification of the inefficiency of traditional legal dogmatics to propose satisfactory subsidies for the critique of jurisprudence by the doctrine.

Objective: The objective of this article is to bring to the reader new ways of analyzing judicial decisions, in addition to those interpretation methods brought by traditional and systematized doctrine in the 18th century. The proposed method is legal pragmatism, contextualized within the scope of the effectiveness of Tax Law and the limits to the State's taxing power, based on the use of criminal protection. Everything, with emphasis on the pragmatist attributes, the theory of judicial decision, the constitutional principle of proportionality and the subsidiarity of Criminal Law.

Methodology: Through qualitative research and literature review, data collection and analysis in judicial decision repositories, we investigated the legal repertoire as a limiting factor to the incidence of criminal protection, under the terms of item II, of art. 2, of Law 8.137/90 and RHC 166.334/SC, a paradigmatic decision of the Federal Supreme Court that gave a new interpretation to the legal command that typifies the crime of tax appropriation, with repercussions both in Criminal Law and in Tax Law.

Results: From the analysis of a paradigmatic decision of the Federal Supreme Court, it is possible to conclude that the traditional methods of legal dogmatics are insufficient to encompass the textual and contextual complexity of the judicial decision. In this sense, a new approach to jurisprudence is necessary to make it possible to outline new legal bases for a critical analysis of how Brazilian courts decide. Legal pragmatism seems to be a conglomerate and apt method to accomplish this objective.

Author Biographies

Diógenes Teófilo de Jesus, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo PUC/SP

Doutorando e Mestre em Direito, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Especialista em Direito Tributário, pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários - IBET. Professor dos cursos de Extensão e Pós Graduação do IBET, ESA, CERS. Advogado em São Paulo

Roberto Lima Campelo, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo PUC/SP

Juiz Federal | Ex-Procurador do Município de São Paulo | Ex-Conselheiro Efetivo do Conselho Municipal de Tributos do Município de São Paulo | Especialista em Direito Público com foco em Advocacia Pública | Mestre e Doutorando em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo


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How to Cite

DE JESUS, D. T.; CAMPELO, R. L. EFFECTIVENESS IN TAX LAW AND THE USE OF CRIMINAL PROTECTION TO SATISFY FINANCIAL INTERESTS: A PRAGMATIC PERSPECTIVE ON THE CHARACTERIZATION OF TAX MISAPPROPRIATION IN THE LIGHT OF RHC 163.334/SC. Revista Eletrônica Direito e Política, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. 1–37, 2023. DOI: 10.14210/rdp.v18n1.p1-37. Disponível em: https://periodicos.univali.br/index.php/rdp/article/view/17850. Acesso em: 20 may. 2024.


