ADI 3.446, Substantive Argumentation, Defeatability, Full ProtectionAbstract
Contextualization of the theme: The Federal Constitution of 1988 inaugurated the Doctrine of Integral Protection in Brazil, being ratified by the Statute of Children and Adolescents, which with the Minorist Doctrine that prevailed since the stigmatizing minors codes of 1927 and 1979. has expressed itself more from a legal-formal point of view, causing Integral Protection to encounter resistance from some sectors of society, which relegate the legal-social sophistication of this doctrine in the name of a punitive and segregating culture.
Objective: In this article, we investigate the attempt to defeat the Integral Protection Doctrine through substantive arguments promoted in the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 3,446.
Methodology: We used the bibliographic and documentary research method, dialoguing with authors who deal with the themes of defeatability, the Doctrine of Integral Protection and substantive arguments, as well as referring to normative documents, especially the Federal Constitution of 1988, Statute of the Child and the Adolescent and Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 3,446.
Results: Therefore, we found that the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 3,446 was intended to defeat, through substantive arguments, the principle of Integral Protection of the Federal Constitution of 1988 and regress to a stigmatizing minorist conception, which was disseminated by the codes of minors. from 1927 and 1979.
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