Civil Procedure, Weighting of principles, Fundamental rights, Existential MinimumAbstract
Objectives: This article aims to examine and study the normative provisions concerning the weighting of principles in Civil Procedural Law aiming at the guarantee and protection of Fundamental Rights concerning the existential minimum. With the innovations brought by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, in which the legislator sought to write it in the light of the precepts of the normative Federal Constitution of 1988, there was a clear constitutional influence on civil procedural provisions, making the Courts of Justice and their magistrates, in the exercise of their attributions, to perform obligations and responsibilities different from those performed until then.
Methodology: For that, it uses bibliographic-documentary analysis, from the deductive method, to infer the conclusions. It examines, therefore, the attributions of the Judiciary, which from applying the laws, passes in its attributions and decisions to observe the legal system as a whole, through a normative and principled analysis, recognizing new rights and effectively putting into practice fundamental rights with direct foundation in the constitutional text.
Results: It is concluded that in the normative absence or in the conflict of norms, especially in the figure of the principles, when providing the effective application of Fundamental Rights, under the goal of ensuring and promoting minimum material conditions for human survival, this will take place under the prism of balancing constitutional principles, such as the Existential Minimum, influencing this weighting not in the dimension of the validity of the principles, but in their weight in concrete cases, which tend to lean towards the protection of the dignity of the human person as a vector of fundamental rights and foundation of the Republic.
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