


Artificial Intelligence, Constitutional Guarantees, Opacity


Contextualization: The text proposes, as its theme, a critical analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial decision-making process.

Objective: The article aims to examine how the use of new technologies impacts the realization of a process with guarantees.

Method: For the development of the work, the dialectical method was used, correlating the bibliography on the topic, in order to understand how the use of artificial intelligence can be beneficial or detrimental to constitutional guarantees in this field. It also investigates the issues faced when using algorithmic logic to support decisions on human matters, such as the opacity of the systems and the possibility or lack thereof to effectively question the reasons behind machine-made decisions. Finally, the need for regulation and standardization to guide the technological process in reaffirming the procedural guarantees that have been achieved is discussed.

Results: It was concluded that unless artificial intelligence programs achieve a high degree of transparency and explainability, it will not be possible to use them to support or make judicial decisions.


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Author Biographies

José Luis Bolzan de Morais

Professor at PPGD ATITUS and FDV. PQ/CNPQ Researcher. Coordinator of GP/CNPQ State & Constitution (GEPE&C). Coordinator of the State & Constitution Research Network (REPE&C). President of Cyber Leviathan - Observatory of the Networked World. Coordinator of the Law and Technology Research Network (REDITECH). State Attorney of Rio Grande do Sul (retired). Lawyer.

Lígia Kunzendorff Mafra, FDV

Master's student in Fundamental Rights and Guarantees at the Law School of Vitória – FDV. Professor at the Law Course of the Higher Education Center of Vitória – CESV. Member of the State & Constitution Research Group (GPE&C). Vice-President of Abracrim-ES. Lawyer.


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How to Cite

BOLZAN DE MORAIS, J. L.; KUNZENDORFF MAFRA, L. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN JUDICIAL DECISIONS: OPACITY VERSUS PROCEDURAL GUARANTEES. Journal of Law Studies, Itajaí­ (SC), v. 28, n. 3, p. 516–535, 2023. DOI: 10.14210/nej.v28n3.p516-535. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.


