Separation of Powers, Institutional Balance, Multilevel ConstitutionalismAbstract
Contextualization: This research is based on the hypothesis that the Brazilian Supreme Court might contribute to the development of multilevel constitutionalism in Latin America by promoting functional dialogues with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Objective: The aim of this paper is to study how the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court can contribute to the development of multilevel constitutionalism in Latin America and strengthen the multilevel regional network and system for the protection of human rights.
Method: As a methodology, it carried out empirical research through the qualitative analysis of the data collected from samples and bibliographic survey.
Results: The results achieved with the research were to demonstrate the correctness of the hypothesis and to explain that it was in the old continent that the relations between government functions were shaken and needed to be revisited given the non-adaptations of both the Montesquian model and the American model to the new reality from the European Union. For the reorganization of the relations of the institutional triangle (Parliament, Council, Commission) in the European community, the Court of Justice of the European Union used the principle of institutional balance. In this context, multilevel constitutionalism translates into an approach that introduces the vertical dimension of the principle of institutional balance and the function of protecting citizens, configuring a restriction to multilevel governance.
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