hard law, soft law, Legal sources, Neoliberalism, ConstitutionAbstract
Contextualization: With a view to observing the progressive - and currently pressing - dissolution of state entities as the epicenter and barycenter production systems and seats of sovereign political-decision-making, libertarianism (as an ideology and economic-financial agenda) and neo-liberalism (as corresponding ideology and political agenda) take on the connotation of complex phenomena.
Objective: The focal point of this essay revolves around how neoliberalism and neoliberalism impact on the system of internal Italian legal sources (a phenomenon that constitutes a substantial tooth in the cogwheel of the lesion of sovereignty), essentially eroding the space that has traditionally – and constitutionally! – been reserved for the so-called "hard law" (designed to offer guarantees of democratic legitimacy of legal norms, as well as constitutional legality) in favor of the so-called "soft law".
Methodology: the deductive research method was used, with a literature review and consultation of primary information.
Results: In the course of the analysis carried out, particular attention is given to the emblematic case study of the Italian Parliamentary Budgetary Office (Ufficio parlamentare di bilancio - UPB), an independent body imposed by the new European economic governance whose existence, organization and activities are closely connected to the prevalence of legal sources of "soft law".
Keywords: Hard law; Soft law; Legal sources; Neoliberalism; Constitution.
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