Hermeneutics, Complexity, Transdisciplinarity, Transcomplexity, Contemporary WorldAbstract
Contextualization: Living life in this contemporary world can be an immense challenge, given the numerous demands for understanding that current experiences have brought into the lives of all human beings. The solidity of the past no longer seems to account for the reality of the present. Social, cultural, and existential transformations imply new translations of reality.
Objective: The article aims to present transcomplexity as a possibility for interpreting the contemporary world. Thus, this proposal is used as a key to reading a world marked by transience, impermanence, and many uncertainties.
Method: The research employs the inductive method, having a speculative-argumentative nature based on literature review. Consolidated works of authors such as Wittgenstein and Schleiermacher are used to support the role of hermeneutics, and Morin, Nicolescu, and González are referenced to sustain the role of complexity, transdisciplinarity, and transcomplexity, respectively, in understanding the world today.
Results: The article supports the notion that hermeneutics, as an exercise in interpreting the world, occurs as complexity and transdisciplinarity unite to translate what the world and things are. This is more evident when considering the realm of education and all its intricacies.
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