Latin America and the Caribbean, Climate change, Protective security, Human rightsAbstract
Contextualization: Faced with an increase in poverty in the region that represents a setback in the fight against inequalities, it is necessary that climate change adaptation initiatives include measures capable of addressing current and future social vulnerabilities. These processes require initiatives, articulated and focused on the protective security of vulnerable populations and capable, at the same time, of promoting their rights and capabilities. From this perspective, it is understood that it is necessary to delve into three fundamental aspects: the ethical foundations of the market economy; access to knowledge and its management; and the strengthening of jurisdictional ways for the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable people in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Objectives: The study analyzes efficient measures that protect the human rights of the most vulnerable populations, their freedoms and capacities through a protection system against climate threats and that, beyond due assistance in specific emergency situations, aim to the integral development of the person, making their rights and capabilities effective.
Method: The research uses the inductive, deductive method and literature review. The lines of work of international and particularly regional organizations are studied, as well as the measures and guidelines of public policies, from different approaches and a systemic perspective.
Results: It is expected to give visibility to the importance of protective security systems and the modalities of their implementation, as well as functionalities in the protection of human rights, in the face of climate change.
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