• Abstract

    Pollinator creativity : A new look at education and public policies

    Published date: 16/12/2024

    To conclude this article, I would like to mention some of the characteristics that could serve to characterize pollinating creativity applied to public policies. Three of these characteristics correspond to three principles of pollination: generating permanent blessings (principle of evolution and survival); socializing character (cooperation principle). Here the human character would stand out to the detriment of the technical or material; Balance between tendency towards unity and diversity (Principle of complementarity) The opposites end up being complementary at some point, like a wave and a particle, or day and night, light and shadow, or green and white, .. The opposites are one way of categorizing. reality. These three principles should govern the actions of public policies. Gerar melhorias that are maintained over a long period of time, that spanned two periods of government by two leaders. This is achieved through dialogue and inter-institutional cooperation between political parties. It is necessary to end laws that change when the dominant political party changes due to lack of dialogue and consensus. And thirdly, combine the global with the local; the collective with the individual, because there are no opposites, but rather complementary ones from a complex view of reality. To them I must add traits such as flexibility in actions. This flexibility when making decisions means weighing advantages and disadvantages and not applying laws or rules because that is how they are established. Value the human factor over the material. It is the ability to adapt taking into account the circumstances. Novelty in approaches is moving forward with new proposals, different from existing ones as long as they entail value. What is new is not worth it for being new nor what is young for being young. It must be accompanied by social value. Collaboration throughout the entire process. Individual genius is the exception. Advances usually come from cooperation, based on previous contributions. This is why collaboration is key in cellular survival and in politics. For geneticist Bruce Lipton (2007), cellular grouping is essential for their survival. Survival is not in the dominance of the fittest, as Darwin proposed, but in grouping and cooperation. The result of this wise and creative way of proceeding in public policies (fruitfulness) is to leave constructive marks. These marks are like the pollen that is released and evolutionarily transforms society. These marks or footprints are perpetuated, generation after generation, contributing to the common good in the form of creation of services, cultural, educational, artistic, legal, health institutions or entities; in new constructions at the service of the citizen. Pollination, writes Vetterlein (2024), plays a fundamental role in eco-formation. In short, they contribute to the real progress of society.


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Revista Brasileira de Tecnologias Sociais

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies is a Qualis B1 publication, according to the Qualis Periódicos CAPES 2017-2020 classification.

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies aims to disseminate scientific knowledge through a biannual publication, which is characterized by multithematic and interdisciplinary content aimed, preferably, at the dissemination of work developed by the country's Professional Master's Degrees, in the form of products or processes that can be characterized as Social Technologies. Currently the editors are professors Carlos Roberto Praxedes dos Santos (Public Policy Management) and Graziela Liebel (Health and Work Management).

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