Social Media, Disinformation, Content Moderation, Freedom of Expression, UNAbstract
Contextualization of the theme: The advancement of technology and the increase of adept users in social media have amplified the harmful effect of disinformation on democracy. In this sense, several studies are being developed around the world to seek to combat disinformation, with emphasis on the 2021 UN Report on Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expression.
Objectives: The general aim of the article is to study the extent to which the guidelines of the UN Report on Disinformation and Freedom of Opinion and Expression (2021 - A/HRC/47/25) will help to combat disinformation on social media. At first, the study presents a conceptual analysis of disinformation, freedom of opinion, and freedom of expression. Afterward, we sought to explain how the logic of content moderation on disinformation through social media works, too. In the end, present the UN guidelines and recommendations on the subject.
Methodology: The deductive method of approach was used since it will start from general premises to reach a particular conclusion, as well as bibliographic research.
Results: It is concluded that the guidelines of the UN Report on disinformation and freedom of expression offer mechanisms and recommendations to guide the fight against disinformation.
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