
  • Alexandre Miguel Escola da Magistratura do Estado de Rondônia



National Council of Justice, Sustainability, Social Justice, Access to Justice


Contextualization: Investigates whether sustainability has had an impact on judicial practices at the National Council of Justice (CNJ) in Brazil. The CNJ faces the challenge of implementing sustainable policies and practices that meet both environmental commitments and promote social justice and technological innovation, adapting its regulatory functions to incorporate sustainability, seeking efficiency and legitimacy in its actions in the Brazilian judicial context.

Objectives: analyze how the CNJ incorporates sustainability into its operations and policies, promoting sustainable technologies, social justice and equal access to justice. Offer insights into the transformation of the CNJ into an agent of change for a more efficient, responsible and inclusive judicial system, aligned with contemporary challenges of sustainability and social development.

Methodology: qualitative analysis of CNJ initiatives to integrate sustainability into its operations and policies, through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of CNJ normative documents and regulations that incorporate sustainability principles, complemented by a dialogic method that examines how the CNJ dialogues with various stakeholders, promoting a sustainability agenda in a participatory manner.

Results: CNJ adopted a proactive approach to integrating sustainable and technological practices. The initiatives to promote virtual hearings and adequate IT infrastructure during the COVID-19 pandemic stand out, ensuring the continuity of judicial services. The CNJ promoted social justice and accessibility, demonstrating commitment to inclusion and efficiency in judicial provision, establishing foundations for more sustainable and effective judicial practices in the long term.


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How to Cite

MIGUEL, A. SUSTAINABILITY AS A GUIDING PRINCIPLE IN THE BRAZILIAN JUDICIARY IN THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF JUSTICE. Electronic Journal of Law and Politics, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 3, p. 374–397, 2024. DOI: 10.14210/rdp.v19n3.p374-397. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.


