Technology, Society, Artificial intelligence, Robots, CyberlawAbstract
Contextualization: This article discusses nowadays issues which are not still legally pacified. Technology and Law are made to solve problems and to pacify conflicts that didn’t happened yet. To anticipate scenarios, it is also necessary to clarify how artificial intelligence works. First, it will be explained where it born and its potential. Next, way of control, auditory and even interference in intelligent agents to, so, discuss their human shape and implications of that.
Objective: This article aims to integrate the human-machine relationship by understanding the present for its applicability and future challenges.
Method: Regarding the methodology employed, the inductive method was used during the investigation phase, the Cartesian method during data treatment, and an inductive logical basis for reporting the results.
Results: Given the absence of established norms, the future seems challenging for legal professionals: there is a necessity to seek alternative knowledge and contemplate potential scenarios of a technology still considered complex.
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