Empiricism, Legal positivism, David HumeAbstract
Contextualization: Considering the conceptual obscurity surrounding the concept of "legal positivism," as well as the objections raised against this school of thought, this essay aims to investigate it from the perspective of the Philosophy that underpins it.
Objective: Specifically, the study examines, in David Hume's work, the essential characteristics that a theory must necessarily possess to be labeled positivist, structuring, based on Kolakowski's teachings, a set of four essential rules/criteria for this purpose. Once these criteria are established, it will be demonstrated how they integrate into legal positivism and how some dogmatic texts in Brazil treat positions that are precisely opposed to the concept of positivism as if they were positivism.
Method: The article employs the inductive method, using bibliographic review as the research technique to support the analysis of the topic.
Results: It is concluded that the concept of positivism remains confused in Brazilian doctrine because it has been reduced to meaningless expressions, and that positivism is criticized for positions that do not necessarily belong to it.
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