Access to justice, Action’s conditions, process modelsAbstract
Contextualization of the theme: Current doctrine has focused on the search for solutions that imply greater efficiency in the justice system. Among the objects of these researches is the one that warns about the excessive number of cases that are being processed in the Brazilian Judiciary. Thus, alternatives are sought to create general conditions of access to justice from the perspective of access to a fair legal order, which implies a speedy and effective justice. The solution for this segment of the doctrine is to carry out a reinterpretation of the concept of jurisdiction, the interest in acting as a condition of action and the very concept of access to justice.
Objectives: This article aims to discuss this doctrinal segment from a critical point of view, analyzing whether the suggested proposals meet the fundamental right of access to justice, as a basic social right.
Methodology: as for the methodology used, in the investigation phase, bibliographic research was used, as well as data collection, especially from the National Council of Justice, regarding the numbers of the Judiciary.
Results: the work was developed from a criterion that identified the evolution of the process from the perspective of the evolution of the very concept of State, in this way, it was verified that the political phase through which the Brazilian State passes, that is, under the Influences of neoliberalism, the process has also tended to be developed under neoliberal legislation, very close to the civil procedure of the 1800s, thus limiting the fundamental social right of access to justice.
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