Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade, Founding fathers, Jus gentium, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, International Court of JusticeAbstract
Contextualization: On May 29 2022, one of the most important internationalists of his generation passed away. Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade observed the inequalities and injustices of the world in which we live in and fought relentlessly for the protection of human rights and International Law and to the achievement of greatest ideals of justice.
Objectives: This eulogy will address Cançado Trindade’s work from three perspectives: (i) the shift towards the jus gentium of International Law’s founding fathers; (ii) the criticisms to the positivist-voluntarist approach and the centrality of States in contemporary International Law; and (iii) the role of the international judiciary to the progressive development of International Law and the fulfillment of justice.
Methodology: Review of the academic production of Professor Cançado Trindade and the judicial decisions, and dissenting and separate opinions of Judge Cançado Trindade.
Results: This article attempts to demonstrate that the Professor and the Judge Cançado Trindade were an indissociable entity. His personal and philosophical preferences were evidenced in his rulings not by chance as they served as bases for the legal argumentation developed by the judge always with the goal to overcome the inter-State positivism that prevailed in International Law between the XIXth and first half of the XXth century.
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