Democracy, Liberalism, Alexis de Tocqueville, Freedom, TyrannyAbstract
Contextualization: Alexis de Tocqueville was a political thinker of great importance, whose analyses of democratic government have become essential theoretical references for the study of this subject. In 1831, Tocqueville traveled to the United States with the initial goal of studying the American penal system. However, what caught his attention most were the dynamics of the American democratic regime. Discussing Tocqueville implies addressing fundamental concepts such as freedom, equality, and consequently, the very nature of democracy. In this context, the central question this work seeks to answer is whether Tocqueville offers (or not) a theoretical basis that effectively makes democracy viable.
Objective: To examine an aspect of the discussions related to the democratic context of the United States of America with Alexis de Tocqueville as the reference author. More specifically, what the author understood by freedom of the press, freedom of association, and "tyranny of the majority" in the democratic context.
Methodology: This study relies on the hypothetical-deductive method as a way to test the presented hypothesis and was conducted through bibliographic research.
Results: Tocqueville's diagnoses function as a telescope for those seeking to strengthen social institutions, revealing the potential conflict between freedom and majority decisions that could limit the action space of minority groups. Ultimately, with all the caveats presented by Tocqueville, he points out the path of freedom as the safest in the construction of democratic constitutionalism.
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