


political inclusion, electoral system, electoral violence, democracy


Contextualization: The main theme of this article is: Socio-political and legal dimensions of the Mozambican electoral system: a reflection on electoral conflicts. It is related to the need to find legal responses to the challenges posed by democracy and elections in Contextualization: Mozambique, where conflicts arise before, during and after elections.

Objective: The general objective of the study is to analyze how the socio-political and legal dimensions of the electoral system can minimize electoral conflicts in Mozambique, starting from a question about to what extent the electoral system is a source of electoral conflicts and, in addition to that, how can its socio-political and legal dimension be the solution to reduce them?

Methodologically: a qualitative approach was adopted, using bibliographic and documentary research, semi-structured interviews using legal, historical, hermeneutic and comparative methods as data collection techniques. The participants were selected through convenience sampling, which made it possible to construct a categorization technique in the presentation and analysis of the data. Content analysis and triangulation were the methods used in the process of interpreting and discussing the results.

Results: The analysis showed that Mozambique's choices in this regard do not lead to the inclusion of non-partisan actors outside the main political parties, which creates apprehension and the fear of losing everything whenever there are new elections. Furthermore, the socio-political and legal aspects of the Mozambican electoral system show that the violation of the procedural assumptions of appeal and interpretation of the formalities of the law hinders the analysis of electoral disputes presented at polling stations, to the detriment of the injured parties, which ends up discrediting the justice system as a whole. However, understanding the socio-political and legal aspects that influence the electoral process in Mozambique can reduce the conflicts that characterize the country's democratic process.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Consolo Chea, Universidade Católica de Moçambique

Licenciado em Ensino de História e Mestre em Ciência Política e Estudos Africanos, pela Universidade Pedagógica; Doutorando em Direito Público pela Universidade Católica de Moçambique. Actualmente General da Policia, exercendo funções de Comandante da PRM, Cidade de Maputo, com a patente de Adjunto de Comissário da Policia


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How to Cite

CONSOLO CHEA, G. SOCIO-POLITICAL AND LEGAL DIMENSIONS OF THE MOZAMBICAN ELECTORAL SYSTEM: A REFLECTION ON ELECTORAL CONFLICTS. Electronic Journal of Law and Politics, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 2, p. 246–273, 2024. DOI: 10.14210/rdp.v19n2.p246-273. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 oct. 2024.


