Social Function of the Company, Transnationality, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
Contextualization: Being historically linked to the social law developed by the German doctrine in the XIX Century, the origins of the so-called principle of social function are clearly associated with the economic order.
Objective: To indicate that the social function came into being with our 1988, our highest legal structure, and was explicitly established based on the fundamental principle linked to the social values of work and free initiative, within the scope of the dignity of the human person, generating direct repercussions on fundamental rights, and also from the perspective of the general principals of economic activity.
Methodology: The research was structured and carried out using the hermeneutic method, through a survey of doctrinal works elaborated by academics specializing in the subject investigated, and legal analysis linked to constitutional environmental law, as well as infraconstitutional norms, all with the aim of satisfactorily framing of the theme in light of our legal system in force.
Results: It was found that, precisely because it is understood as an economic activity aimed at organizing production in various countries of the world, transnational companies, supported as they are by the regulatory system established by our Maga Carta, are also submitted to the general principles set out in article 170 of CF, particularly the principle of defense of the environment associated with the fundamental principles and constitutional duties indicated above, and which must seek to perform functions for the benefit of the collectivity, aiming to meet the needs of the present without compromising future generations.
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