Right to be Forgotten, Digital Era, Globalization, Sovereignty, EconomyAbstract
Contextualization: The digital age has impacted social relationships and, consequently, people's rights. From this perspective, attention is drawn to the use of information and data by search engines and social media platforms that collect and provide sensitive data that can be used for various purposes, whether by companies or state authorities.
Objective: This article seeks to analyze the right to be forgotten, addressing its economic dimensions and its impacts on sovereignty in the face of digital globalization.
Method: By studying the concepts and normative and interpretative parameters of Brazilian and international law concerning the right to privacy and the right to be forgotten, it will be possible to analyze the importance of protecting the right to be forgotten on the internet. This analysis particularly considers its economic effects and debates its impacts on sovereignty in the era of digital globalization, aiming to understand the challenges and opportunities that may arise from this subject. The hypothetical-deductive method is employed with the assistance of bibliographic research.
Results: With the present analysis, it was possible to observe the importance of the role of the State in the protection of human rights in a globalized world that is, at the same time, inclusive and that guarantees sustainable and equitable economic development.
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